Decision Guide: Choosing a Penile Implant - Factors to Consider

At Peoria Day Surgery Center , we understand the sensitivity and the significance of deciding to undergo penile implant surgery. This decision can be complex, requiring careful consideration of various factors to ensure the best outcome. Led by our expert Joseph Banno, we are here to guide you with professionalism, empathy, and in-depth knowledge, ensuring that your journey towards improved sexual health and personal confidence is as smooth and comfortable as possible. To connect with us and explore your options further, you can always reach out at (309) 692-9898.

Choosing the right penile implant is a decision that impacts not just your sexual function but your overall quality of life. After all, intimate health is a critical component of your wellbeing. Whether you're dealing with erectile dysfunction or other health conditions that necessitate an implant, our team here at Peoria Day Surgery Center is committed to helping you make an informed choice that aligns with your lifestyle, health needs, and personal preferences.

An implant may sound daunting, but it's a well-established solution for regaining sexual functionality. Penile implants, also known as penile prostheses, are devices placed inside the penis to allow men with erectile dysfunction (ED) to achieve an erection. These devices are typically considered when other treatments for ED have been unsuccessful.

Penile implants come in two main types: inflatable and malleable (or semi-rigid). Inflatable implants mimic a natural erection more closely but require a fluid-filled device and a pump to function. Malleable implants, on the other hand, are always firm and can be bent into position when needed. Your doctor will help you weigh the pros and cons of each type based on your individual condition and lifestyle.

When deciding on a penile implant, several factors come into play, including medical history, personal preferences, and the level of invasiveness you are comfortable with. Consulting with healthcare professionals like our expert team at Peoria Day Surgery Center will provide you with the insights needed to make a decision that's right for you.

Key considerations include the longevity of the device, potential risks and complications, and the recovery process. Our tailored approach ensures that each patient's unique needs are met, providing peace of mind and a clear understanding of what to expect from the surgery and the results.

Life post-surgery is a concern for many considering this procedure. We want you to know that with the right implant and care, you can lead a fulfilling life with intimacy being very much possible. Our team will remain by your side every step of the way, from pre-surgery consultation to post-operative care, ensuring that any questions or concerns are addressed promptly.

Discussing your expectations and goals openly with our professional staff helps to shape the pathway towards your new beginning. Here at Peoria Day Surgery Center , we celebrate each progress made by our patients and provide continued support for your future comfort and confidence.


Embarking on the journey to select a penile implant requires a trusted partner who can provide you all the necessary information. This includes a deep dive into the types of implants available, assessing your health condition, and understanding the potential outcomes and impacts on your life. Peoria Day Surgery Center, your dedicated guide in this process, stands ready to assist with these vital considerations.

Our goal is to help you return to a satisfying sex life, and that means making a choice that's both comfortable and functional for you. Peoria Day Surgery Centertakes pride in our patient-first approach, ensuring that each individual we assist receives the attention and expertise needed to navigate this important decision with ease and confidence.

Each penile implant type offers different features, and the choice largely depends on personal preference and medical need. Inflatable implants are more popular due to their natural feel and concealability. Conversely, malleable implants are simpler and may be more suitable for men with limited dexterity.

Our process involves detailed discussions to gauge which implant will best suit your lifestyle. Keep in mind, your satisfaction with the implant plays a pivotal role in your overall happiness post-procedure. We consider every facet of your life to determine the optimal path forward.

Health assessments are crucial in preparing for penile implant surgery. Conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or previous abdominal surgeries can affect both the procedure and the choice of implant. Peoria Day Surgery Centerprovides extensive pre-operative assessments to ensure you are a viable candidate for the surgery.

Your safety and wellbeing are our top priorities at Peoria Day Surgery Center . We meticulously examine your health history, current condition, and discuss any potential risks to ensure you're fully informed before proceeding.

Recovery from penile implant surgery requires careful management and support. Our commitment to you extends well beyond the operating theatre, with comprehensive post-operative care tailored to your specific needs.

This period is crucial for your healing and adaptation to the implant. Responsive and compassionate, our professional team is always on hand to ensure your recovery is on track and as comfortable as possible.


Choosing a penile implant affects not just your physical health but also your personal and emotional wellbeing. It's a step that can rejuvenate not only your confidence but potentially enrich your relationships. Our compassionate team at Peoria Day Surgery Centeris devoted to understanding the breadth of factors that shape your decision, always ensuring our patients are ready for the improvements and changes that will follow.

Recognizing the potential for revitalized intimacy is an exciting aspect of this journey. We align our surgical expertise with your hopes and concerns, supporting you to rekindle or enhance the emotional and physical bonds with your partner. Our patient education is comprehensive, covering all aspects of life after the implant.

An active sex life is an integral component of many relationships and personal satisfaction. Through careful implant selection and skilled surgical application, we aim to restore both function and confidence, ensuring that intimacy remains a fulfilling part of your life.

Discussing your expectations of sexual function with us will help ensure the implant you choose can meet your desires. Peoria Day Surgery Center emphasizes a respectful and open dialogue where all questions are welcomed and thoroughly addressed.

Introducing a penile implant into your life can prompt adjustments within your relationships. Open communication with your partner is essential. We encourage dialogue and often involve partners in discussions to create a supportive environment leading up to and following the procedure.

Peoria Day Surgery Centeris here to support not just our patients but their partners as well, acknowledging the shared journey towards greater happiness and health.

Adjustment to life after penile implant surgery takes time and patience. We understand the emotional and physical shifts that can occur. Our comprehensive aftercare program is designed to help you adapt seamlessly to your new lifestyle, with guidance and support available at every turn.

Whether it's returning to work, resuming physical activity, or rekindling intimacy, Peoria Day Surgery Center is your trusted ally. We create a nurturing environment that encourages your progression and celebrates every milestone achieved.


Penile implant surgery is a life-altering decision, and who you choose as your healthcare provider is just as imperative as the choice of the implant itself. Peoria Day Surgery Center , known for excellence in urological care and surgical expertise, is an established authority in this field. We offer care that's not only high in quality but also delivered with kindness and understanding.

With a track record of successful procedures and satisfied patients, our team, led by the esteemed Joseph Banno, is well-equipped to provide the best solutions tailored to your needs. When you choose us, you choose a partner in healthcare who will value and prioritize your well-being every step of the way.

Our medical team is comprised of highly trained specialists who are leaders in their field. With extensive experience in penile implant surgeries, we provide guidance founded on the latest research and best practices in urology.

You can rest assured that your care is in the hands of acclaimed experts who are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for our patients.

We believe that every patient's journey is unique. Therefore, we take great care to provide personalized solutions that align with each individual's life circumstances and preferences. Your voice is vital to us, and your input drives the treatment planning process.

At Peoria Day Surgery Center , we see you as a partner in your healthcare journey, and we dedicate ourselves to ensuring your experience is as comfortable and informed as possible. A testament to our commitment to personalized care is our readiness to be reached for any questions or to book an appointment at (309) 692-9898.

The post-operative phase is just as important as the surgery itself. That's why we provide unwavering, full-spectrum support throughout your recovery process. We stand by our patients with follow-up care that includes regular check-ins and responsive communication to address any concerns that may arise.

Coupled with our expertise is a compassionate approach to patient support, assuring you that Peoria Day Surgery Centeris a partner you can rely on long after your surgical procedure has concluded.


When faced with the decision to undergo penile implant surgery, the array of factors to consider can feel overwhelming. Peoria Day Surgery Center simplifies this process, offering exceptional care infused with expertise and compassion that our national patient community trusts and values.

We invite you to explore your options and to proceed with confidence, knowing that our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. Let's work together to find the solution that will enrich your life and bring you the satisfaction and wellness you deserve. To book an appointment or for any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at (309) 692-9898. Your journey towards rejuvenated health and happiness starts here with us at Peoria Day Surgery Center -we look forward to being a part of your success story.